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indoor league

Indoor 3D League has become an integral part of Sandhills Archery Club’s winter activities. Enjoy the winter by shooting Indoor League. Sandhills Archery Club offers leagues for all shooters. We offer 3D League, Traditional 3D League, Youth 3D, and a 300 League. 

League is not meant for only the advanced shooters - all skillsets are encouraged to join! It is a great way to practice in a low pressure environment. 

Range Captains are available in the indoor facility during league to offer assistance if needed. 

Any help (setting up targets, taking them down, selling score cards, etc.) you can give to make the league more successful would be greatly appreciated! 

As a general rule below is the tentative outline of a typical League week; but please monitor the Calendarfor a current listing of events offered & register now! 

MONDAY - 300 League 6:30 pm

Traditional and Youth 3D League during the first session, with Compound 3D the second session 

OPEN SHOOTING, 6:30pm-10:00pm, including Non-members ($20.00)
*Public Hours are only available during league dates - starting the week of January 10th-March 31st. 

THURSDAY - Compound
3D League is at 7:00pm and 9:00pm (*second shift subject to enough participants)

FRIDAY - Monitor the calendar for youth programs offered 

League Details

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General 3d Scoring
General 3d Scoring
League scoring will be 0, 5, 8, 10 and 12 (the same as the scoring for 3D shoots).  This is done to allow archers to compare their performance during league with 3D shoots
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300 League
300 League
A participant must first shoot a qualifying score in their chosen division and is grouped with fellow archers.
Scoring on the 5-spot is X-5-4, with any arrow missing the scoring rings awarded a score of 0
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3D League Detail
3D League Detail
3D League will be Thursdays 7:00pm and 9:00pm.  Archers interested in 3D League must sign up before league starts, for a specific time slot, and pay for the league up front ($60).   Only those archers signed up will be allowed to shoot at the designated time. 

All divisions will be supported (Target, Bowhunter, Traditional, Youth & Cub).  

Upon payment, 12 score cards will be given to the archer for all 12 weeks of the League Season.  Only those cards will be used for the archer’s score.
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Traditional League Detail
Traditional League Detail
Traditional League will occur on Tuesday nights at 6:45 PM. 

The targets will be setup closer than targets during Sign-up or Open League. 

Archers must register and pay upfront ($60). 

The scores in Traditional League will be recorded separately from the other divisions.